Due to my pregnancy there is no yoga for a while. After maternity leave I am ready for wonderful yoga lessons in Aalbeke.

Vinyasa Yoga
In this dynamic class, the poses are coordinated with your breathing and movement to flow from one pose to another.
The postures are also held for a longer period of time, depending on the lesson content.
This form of yoga increases your flexibility, strength, awareness and the ability to focus your mind.
The lessons generally start with a warm-up, sun salutations, a spicy dynamic piece and a reduction to calm the body and let the postures integrate.
For whom:
Try this class if you like a solid workout, want to take on challenges and feel the benefits of synchronizing your body, breath and mind.
Variations are given for each posture so that every yogi can experience yoga at his own pace and level.

Gentle Flow Yoga
You enjoy slow movements, a relaxing environment with soft music. If you want to develop an inner kindness for yourself, this yoga form is for you, because here the emphasis is on moving with and feeling your body.
Life is an endless dance of yin and yang to find balance in body and mind.
No acrobatic situations, but healing, feasible and wonderful yoga for everyone.
Each yoga class contains a combination of standing, lying and sitting yoga poses. Moments of rest are built in, in which you feel how your body, mind and emotions are. That way you learn to slow down along the way.
Forget your judgment that you need to be limber to practice yoga.
For whom:
Try this style if you like moving in a gentle way, feel and slow down. Also ideal for 50+, yogis with a burnout, injured or pregnant.

Yin Yoga
Yin yoga ensures that your body can lie / sit comfortably in a position without making any effort and focuses on lengthening the connective tissues in the body. It is ideal as a complement to Yang Yoga, or dynamic yoga styles.
When Yang is active, Yin is passive, meaning that the muscles are allowed to relax by gravity and rest. The poses are performed using props such as pillows and blocks.
We focus on letting go. You stay in a certain position for several minutes and this way the different muscle groups relax and you create space in body and mind to let go of any fears and emotions. Yin can be challenging to the mind.
For whom:
Anyone who seeks relaxation is struggling with depression, burnout, chronic illness, and wants to take a deeper look at the relationship with their inner self.
More info coming soon.